Middleware Testing Tool

MTT Plugin Overview

To make the tool more modular and easier to generate tests, MTT makes use of the yapsy plugin system for python. Each stage that executes an .ini file makes use of at least one plugin.


plugin = Copytree
src = /opt/mtt/samples/python/

Plugins are divided into categories:

You can see the hierarchy where the plugins are defined along with their ordering on Doxygen.


The stages, as mentioned above, are used for stages. Some stages may contain additional plugins (i.e. Reporter). Each plugin in the Stages category has a set ordering which dictates what order the plugins should run.

A list of stages and their ordering can be found on Doxygen


These plugins are essential for MTT to run. However, they are not actually plugins although we treat them as such. They simply extend the object class. For explanation purposes, we will continue to refer to them as plugins.

LoadClasses is called by TestDef and loads all plugins by going through the directories and loading plugins to memory.

TestDef is passed to all other plugins so that they have access to the log, to global plugins (i.e. logger, modcmd, execmd, etc. that are saved to TestDef so they are accessible by other plugins) and to the options. This plugin is important for several reasons:


The tool plugins are separated into modules that have no ordering. These plugins are required by the Stage plugins.

A list of available modules and their modules along with descriptions of what they do are found on Doxygen.


Utility plugins are used by the MTT framework. Like the tool plugins, there is no ordering for plugins in the Utilities category.

A list of Utility plugins can be found on Doxygen.

Plugin Ingredients

Each plugin is composed of two files. A yapsy-plugin file and a python file. Both of these are required when you are creating your own plugin so that MTT’s plugin manager can identify where the files are located and how to connect them to the plugin framework.

Yapsy-Plugin Config File

A yapsy-plugin requires a few key elements:

Python file

The python file provides the execution phase of the plugin. There are a few requirements for the python file.

Also, a key note is that while some plugins will only run in a certain stage, not all plugins have such a requirement (i.e.

Doxygen Documentation

To make sure the plugin with all its parameters are properly recorded in Doxygen, we require a certain syntax.

# @addtogroup <plugin category>
# @{
# @addtogroup <module category name if needed>
# @section <plugin name>
# Description of plugin!
# @param option_name        Description of option
# @param another_option     Additional params follow same syntax
# @}


To integrate the python file into the plugin framework, there are few required imports. These imports are based on the type of plugin that you are implementing. There are four main types of plugins in MTT.


Each plugin has a set of options that you can configure via an INI file that controls their operation.

These are set with the following syntax:

self.options = {}
self.options['option'] = (None, 'Description')

Options are the only method an INI file has to control the plugin. Options are defined in the __init__ function of the plugin class.

Required Functions

Init Function The init function needs to be defined. This is where the INI file will configure the plugin through the option object.

def __init__(self):
   # Define options

Print Name Return the name of the function. This function is required by MTT to display the plugin in use in the logs.

def print_name(self):
    return "Name of Plugin"    

Activate Function This function is not necessary, but may be useful when the plugin activates. The following example models the structure of the function. Add in additional functionality as needed.

def activate(self):
   if not self.activated:
       self.activated = True

Deactivate Function This function is not necessary, but may be useful when the plugin deactivates (i.e. acts like a destructor function for cleaning up). The following example models the structure of the function. Add in additional functionality as needed.

def deactivate(self):
    if self.activates:
        self.activated = False

Execute Function This function controls the execution of the plugin. There are a couple key things that this function needs to do. For a complete example, please view